JBIC - Our JournalThe Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC) seeks to promote the field of biological inorganic chemistry internationally. The Journal is owned by SBIC and published in collaboration with SpringerNature. JBIC aims to be the premier journal for work in the broad field of biological inorganic chemistry. The Journal is primarily concerned with advancing the understanding of the role of metal ions within a biological matrix at the atomic level — be it a protein, DNA/RNA, or a cell, as well as appropriate model studies – in order to understand biological function. This also includes research on metal-based drugs, applications of nanoparticles, and systemic approaches to problems of biological inorganic chemistry. Work to be published must report significant advances in the field, and be of high technical quality. The Journal publishes original articles, technical reports, minireviews, and commentaries on debated issues. For contents, instructions for authors, and announcements please visit the Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry online. Follow JBIC on Twitter @JBIC_Journal. Prof. Nils Metzler-Nolte took over as Editor-in-Chief for JBIC in 2020. See his video message.
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