EuroBICThe European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EuroBIC) series is held biennially in Europe but attracts scientists from all over the world. EUROBIC was the result of a merger of the Swiss-Italian SIMBIC conference and the French-German SAMBAS conference. The aim is to create a forum and promote collaboration between scientists in the highly multidisciplinary field of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, ranging from biology to inorganic chemistry. For more information visit the EuroBIC webpage or get in touch with the EuroBIC Secretary: Prof. Eva Freisinger EUROBIC Previous and upcoming EuroBIC's EuroBIC-17: Münster, Germany (2024) EuroBIC-16: Grenoble, France (2022) EuroBIC-15: Reykjavik, Iceland (online, 2020) EuroBIC-14: Birmingham, United Kingdom (2018) EuroBIC-13: Budapest, Hungary (2016) EuroBIC-12: Zurich, Switzerland (2014) EuroBIC-11: Granada, Spain (2012) EuroBIC-10: Thessaloniki, Greece (2010) EuroBIC-9: Wroclaw, Poland (2008) EuroBIC-8: Aveiro, Portugal (2006) EuroBIC-7: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (2004) EuroBIC-6: Lund, Sweden (2002) EuroBIC-5: Toulouse, France (2000) EuroBIC-4: Seville, Spain (1998) EuroBIC-3: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (1996) EuroBIC-2: Firenze, Italy (1994) EuroBIC-1: Newcastle, United Kingdom (1992)