
Ours is a vibrant research community that highly values the dissemination of science and the fostering of social relationships that are so important to collaborative research. In this vein, several meetings including ICBIC, EuroBIC, AsBIC and LABIC have grown into substantial platforms to serve these needs. All of these conferences are administered directly by an International Organizing Committee (IOC). Despite this organizational arrangement, SBIC has strongly interfaced with the IOCs and supported these gatherings both financially and in spirit. Nonetheless, selection of venue, organizers and the decision to delay/cancel meetings rest with the local organizer and the respective governing IOC. For details on these meetings, follow the following links:





Conference Support

SBIC financially supports international meetings in the field of Biological Inorganic Chemistry organized by members of our society. At many of these conferences, SBIC members will pay special, discounted registration fees and students and early career members may be eligible for travel awards. Two types of conference support are provided; (i) for BICs (ICBIC / EuroBIC / AsBIC / LABIC), and for (ii) all other meetings and workshops related to biological inorganic chemistry. National meetings and those organized under the umbrella of national societies are NOT eligible for SBIC support, including Pacifichem symposia.
In order to be eligible for conference support, the conference organizers need to be SBIC members. Applications need to be sent to the SBIC Treasurer Janet Morrow. Please include a detailed conference program. Diversity in gender, age, race, ethnicity, geography and research topics covering a broad range of biological inorganic chemistry is a prerequisite to obtain SBIC funding. Adequate representation from underrepresented groups, including women for Plenary and Keynote lectures in particular, and the program in general, must be demonstrated. A maximum of 2,000 US$ (conferences) or 3,000 US$ for student workshops will be granted to non-BIC conferences. All SBIC financial support is exclusively given out as SBIC travel bursaries to be awarded to young researchers (PhD students and postdocs), being SBIC members, and the financial support by SBIC must be acknowledged.

For ICBIC, AsBIC, EuroBIC and LaBIC, special funding rules apply. Please contact the SBIC Treasurer Janet Morrow for details.

DEADLINES for applications: March 1 and October 1 each year.