The International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC) series is the oldest and largest in the scientific community of biological inorganic chemistry, the first conference having taken place in Florence, Italy, in 1983. ICBICs are held biennially and are managed by the International Organizing Committee (IOC). The secretary of ICBIC is a member of SBIC council while SBIC is represented in the IOC by its president. For details contact the IOC secretary Prof. Roland Sigel, roland.sigel@chem.uzh.ch.

ICBIC 21 will be held in Irvine, CA, USA (July 26-31, 2025). 

Previous and upcoming ICBIC's:

ICBIC 22                    UK (2027)

ICBIC 21                    California, USA (2025)

ICBIC 20                    Adelaide, Australia (2023)

ICBIC 19                    Interlaken, Switzerland (2019)

ICBIC 18                    Florianopolis, Brazil (2017)

ICBIC 17                    Beijing, China (2015)

ICBIC 16                    Grenoble, France (2013)

ICBIC 15                    Vancouver, Canada (2011)

ICBIC 14                    Nagoya, Japan (2009)

ICBIC 13                    Vienna, Austria (2007)

ICBIC 12                    Ann Arbor, USA (2005)

ICBIC 11                    Cairns, Australia (2003)

ICBIC 10                    Florence, Italy (2001)

ICBIC 9                      Minneapolis, USA (1999)

ICBIC 8                      Yokohama, Japan (1997)

ICBIC 7                      Luebeck, Germany (1995)

ICBIC 6                      La Jolla, USA (1993)

ICBIC 5                      Oxford, England (1991)

ICBIC 4                      Boston, USA (1989)

ICBIC 3                      Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (1987)

ICBIC 2                      Albufeira, Portugal (1985)

ICBIC 1                      Florence, Italy (1983)


International Organizing Committee (2020)

Lucia Banci (Italy)

Sue Berners-Price (Australia)

Joan Broderick (USA)

Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira (Brazil)

Mark Fontecave (France)

Eva Freisinger (Switzerland)

C. David Garner (UK)

Harry B. Gray (USA), founding member

Zijian Guo (China)

Hugh Harris (Australia)

Kenneth D. Karlin (USA), Past Secretary (2001-2018)

Bernhard K. Keppler (Austria)

Claudio Luchinat (Italy)

Dan Meyerstein (Israel)

Ademir Neves (Brazil)

Chris Orvig (Canada)

Lawrence Que, Jr. (USA)

Jan Reedijk (The Netherlands)

Helmut Sigel (Switzerland), founding member and Founding Secretary (1983-2001)

Roland Sigel (Switzerland), Secretary (since 2018)

Yoshihito Watanabe (Japan)

Anthony Wedd (Australia)